- Books to read and read again
The books I treasure the most and that perfectly resonate with my personality and ideas:
As a kind of short "Bibliography into me" (books that nurtured and shaped me) and furthermore as a diverse set of good books which I would recommend anyone to read (in order to widen the mind's horizons and build a good memetic resistance), I present the following list.
- 兵法[The Art of War] (孫子)
- Software (Rucker, R.v.B.)
- 名人[The Master of Go] (川端康成)
- The Mists of Avalon (Zimmer Bradley, M.)
- A Brief History of Time (Hawking, S.)
- Gödel, Escher, Bach (Hofstadter, D.)
- Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne[Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow] (Høeg, P.)
- Ender's Game (Card, O.S.)
- Djinn (Dufaux, J.)
- The Kite Runner (Hosseini, K.)
- La Philosophie dans le boudoir (de Sade, D.A.F.)
- Margherita Dolcevita (Benni, S.)
- Dune (Herbert, F.)
- The Emperor's New Mind (Penrose, R.)
- The World Until Yesterday (Diamond, J.)
- Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke, A.C.)
- A Clockwork Orange (Burgess, A.)
- Golden Boy (江川達也)
- Il Gattopardo (Tomasi di Lampedusa, G.)
- The Pillars of the Earth (Follet, K.)
- A Wizard of Earthsea (Le Guin, U.K.)
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirsig, R.M.)
- Naked Lunch (Burroughs, W.)
- Anathem (Stephenson, N.)
- Death: The High Cost of Living (Gaiman, N.)
- Zen in der Kunst des Bogenschiessens[Zen in the Art of Archery] (Herrigel, E.)
- Aztec (Jennings, G.)
- Die Verwandlung[The Metamorphosis] (Kafka, F.)
- The Language Instinct (Pinker, S.)
- Il Visconte Dimezzato (Calvino, I.)
- The Incredible Tide (Key, A.)
- Histoire d'O (Reage, P.)
- 葉隠[Hagakure] (山本常朝)
- The Selfish Gene (Dawkins, R.)
- The Jagged Orbit (Brunner, J.)
- The Gods Themselves (Asimov, I.)
- Neuromancer (Gibson, W.)
- Firechild (Williamson, J.)
- Codex Seraphinianus (Serafini, L.)
- Мастер и Маргарита (Булгаков, М.А.)
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Adams, D.)
- Il Nome della Rosa (Eco, U.)
- Voyage au centre de la Terre (Verne, J.G.)
- Decameron (Boccaccio G.)
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Dick, P.K.)
- Heart of Darkness (Conrad J.)
- 攻殻機動隊[Ghost in the Shell] (士郎正宗)
- Cien Años de Soledad (Márquez, G.G.)
- Islands in the Net (Sterling, B.)
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell, G.)
- Ficciones (Borges, J.L.)
- La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia (Buzzati, D.)
- Oceano Mare (Baricco, A.)
- The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger, J.D.)
- Molecular Biology Of the Cell (Alberts B. et al.)
- The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald, F.)
- Dago (Wood, R.)
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein, R.A.)
- Canone Inverso (Maurensig, P.)
- Chronicles of Wormwood (Ennis, G.)
- 海辺のカフカ[Kafka on the Shore] (村上春樹)
- Das Glasperlenspiel[The Glass Bead Game] (Hesse, H.)
- Sin City (Miller, F.)
- 潮騒[The Sound of Waves] (三島由紀夫)
- The Language Construction Kit (Rosenfelder, M.)
- La Divina Commedia (Alighieri, D.)
- Tropic of Cancer (Miller, H.)
- Sphere (Crichton, M.)
- The Favourite Game (Cohen, L.)
- Chung Kuo (Wingrove, D.)
Note that both lists have been shuffled, so no order is implied. Also note that - for brevity purposes - I decided to include only one book for each writer; many other works by those authors would also be heartily recommended. I hope the number of those I forgot to include is not too high.